
Representing Clients In Macomb, Washtenaw, Wayne, Genesee County, and all over the State of Michigan.

Kidnapping and child abduction are considered grave crimes in Michigan. If you are facing kidnapping accusations or suspect that you are under investigation for kidnapping in Michigan, it is essential to seek the assistance of a seasoned criminal defense attorney without delay. 

Having a skilled attorney during the legal proceedings is crucial to protecting your rights and advocate against any unjust outcomes. Duplessis Law has the necessary expertise to attain favorable outcomes in even the most intricate criminal cases. Our team, led by Ashlee Duplessis, will create a thorough criminal defense plan to help you achieve your legal objectives.

We have years of experience defending clients in Michigan. Without the aid of an attorney, a kidnapping allegation could result in substantial imprisonment and monetary penalties, as well as the possibility of an erroneous conviction. We will diligently scrutinize the particulars of your case and mount an assertive defense on your behalf, whether during pre-file, trial, or post-conviction proceedings.

Duplessis Attorney

Kidnapping Under Michigan Law - (750.349)

Michigan Penal Code (750.349) defines kidnapping as a person knowingly restraining another person with the intent to commit one or more of the following:

  • Hold that person for ransom or reward.
  • Use that person as a shield or hostage.
  • Engage in criminal sexual penetration or criminal sexual contact 
  • Take that person outside of this state.
  • Hold that person in involuntary servitude.
  • Engage in child sexually abusive activity

Restricting a person’s movements or confining them in order to deprive them of their liberty is how Michigan defines ‘restraining’ in the context of this law. Restraining a person with the goal of harming them in any of the above mentioned circumstances can result in life imprisonment. It could also lead to heavy fines, up to $50,000, and a slew of other detrimental consequences.

It’s highly recommended that you retain an attorney if you face these charges or accusations. Without an attorney defending your rights and building a case against the charges, the consequences can become much more detrimental.

How Michigan Defines Child Abduction

As per the Michigan Penal Code (750.350), an individual who intentionally detains or hides a child below the age of 14 by means of force, deceit, or malignancy can be convicted of a felony and could face a lifelong imprisonment sentence. If you are facing allegations of child kidnapping or suspect that you are being investigated for child abduction in Michigan, reach out to an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as you can.

Parental Kidnapping or Abduction Charges

Section 750.350a of the Penal Code stipulates that if a parent (whether biological or adoptive) detains or hides their child for more than 24 hours with the intent of concealing the child from the other parent or legal guardian with custody, they can be charged with a felony. The punishment could include imprisonment for up to one year and one day, as well as a $2,000 fine. If the parent has previously been convicted of a kidnapping offense, further legal complications may arise. If you are facing accusations of child abduction, it is recommended that you consult with our firm. They will help you comprehend the legal complexities of your case and recommend the most effective criminal defense tactics to employ.

Duplessis Law Works For You – Detroit Felony Crimes Attorney

If you or a loved one has been charged with Kidnapping, Child Abduction, or Parental Abduction, contact our firm as soon as possible. The longer an experienced felony and serious crimes attorney has to work on your case, the better it is for your future.